Amazon Region

A trip to the Ecuadorian Rainforest is a unique experience. Its geographical location near the Andes makes it different in climate and vegetation than other areas in the Amazon. This part of the Amazon basin is known as tropical humid forest, one of the most biological diverse regions in the world with a high number of endemic species in flora and fauna.

You will be spending your time in the planets’ largest remaining tropical rainforest which extends over most of the 6 million square kilometers of the Amazon basin. This, the world’s greatest network of rivers and lakes, contains about 20% of the worlds freshwater and more than one tenth of all the creatures on Earth today!

About 2% of this Amazon Rainforest lies within Ecuador’s borders in the foothills of the Andes which it is a small proportion which contains about one third of its diversity! To learn about the Amazon, its flora and fauna, to enjoy its nature and its adventures it is recommended to stay for a few days. The best places to do so are Amazon Lodges. These lodges are located in the middle of the jungle and you can do various excursions.
Here you can find information of the most important places in the Amazon:



