Casa Ceibo

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Casa Ceibo is located on the coast of Ecuador, 20 miles south of the Equatorial Line, on the estuary of the River Chone, and 5 kilometers from the city of Bahia de Caraquez. Experience the charm and the hospitality of the Ecuadorian coast, as Hotel Casa Ceibo offers its guests an all around exceptional experience. Our location allows easy access to the bay, the ocean and the beautiful coastal city of Bahia de Caraquez.

18 luxurious rooms decorated with furniture of the finest wood of the area, made by local craftsmen and complemented by beautiful stained glass windows. On its walls works, the best plastic arts of Ecuadorian artists can be admired. The hotel offers three kinds of rooms:Standard, overlooking the front gardens of the main building and the tennis court;Luxury rooms, overlooking the pool and the pier.